How to Create a Grails Application in IntelliJ IDEA ( First App )
Step 1 : Run Following Command :
grails create-app app_name
cd app_name
grails run-app
Step 2 : Create Domain Class under a package
grails create-domain-class com.firstApp.User
then, edit the domain User.groovy as given below:
package com.firstApp
class User
String username;
String password;
String email;
static constraints = {
email email: true;
Step 3 : Generate Controller
grails generate-controller com.firstApp.User
static scaffold = true; // Write in UserController class
Step 4 : Generate View
grails generate-view com.firstApp.User
Step 5 : Run App
grails run-app
You can also clone my Example from GITHUB
git clone