Grails 3 with Angular 2
Today I make an experiment of Grails 3.2.9 with Angular 2, let’s see how It work.
To use this profile, you should have Node, NPM, and the Angular CLI
installed. Node should be at least version 5 and NPM should be at least
version 3.
Node && NPM
Angular CLI
Node && NPM
Angular CLI
Create App
First of all I’ve created an app called “sample-angular2” using command :> grails create-app sample-angular2 --profile angular
then navigate to the project
> cd sample-angular2
you should see files like this :
client/ gradle/ gradlew gradlew.bat server/ settings.gradle
this will create 2 things that is– Server part as a Grails app
– Client part as an Angular2Running The App
To execute the server side application only, you can execute thebootRun
task in theserver
project:./gradlew server:bootRun
The same can be done for the client application:./gradlew client:bootRun
To execute both, you must do so in parallel:./gradlew bootRun --parallel
so I execute both with command:
./gradlew bootRun --parallel
now I’m waiting so long :'(
navigate to http://localhost:4200/ You will get something like this. Done !
Create a domain Todo
navigate to server folder
> cd server > grails create-domain-resource todo
grails will create a resource REST of todo class in
you will get this
then I add properties to my Todo
package sample.angular2 import* @Resource(uri = '/todos', readOnly = false, formats = ['json', 'xml']) class Todo { String title Boolean isCompleted = false }
Notice the
annotation: it’s an AST
transformation that will generate at compile time a REST controller for
the domain it’s annotated to. The generated controller will have the
usual CRUD methods:Create:
for all elements, and show()
for a single one.Update:
In addition to that, if we define the annotation parameter
, those operations will also be mapped to the corresponding HTTP methods: POST
for create()
for delete()
, etc.Create Objects
I add this code to Bootstrap locate in : server/grails-app/init/sample/angular2/Bootstrap.groovypackage sample.angular2
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
5.times { new Todo(title: "Todo ${it+1}").save() }
def destroy = {
to init some todo objectThe I test by using command :
> curl -i 0:8080/todos
to retrieve todo list from server side
I will get this as a result
HTTP/1.1 200 X-Application-Context: application:development Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 10:30:31 GMT [{"id":1,"isCompleted":false,"title":"Todo 1"},{"id":2,"isCompleted":false,"title":"Todo 2"},
{"id":3,"isCompleted":false,"title":"Todo 3"},{"id":4,"isCompleted":false,"title":"Todo 4"},
{"id":5,"isCompleted":false,"title":"Todo 5"}]
Writing a custom RESTful controller
start with creating a controller called todo inside server folderserver> grails create-restful-controller Todo | Created grails-app/controllers/sample/angular2/TodoController.groovy
This will create a controller that
extends RestfulController
is the base class that provides the CRUD methods like index()
, save()
, etc.
Note that those methods may be overriden if you need to.
Now, define a mapping for this controller in RestfulController
also provides some other protected
methods that can as well be overriden to further customize its behaviour. Check its documentation for more information.grails-app/controllers/UrlMappings.groovy
now create action to view not complete task :
def pendings() {
respond Todo.findAllByIsCompleted(false), view: 'index'
your TodoController view look like this :
package sample.angular2 import* import grails.converters.* class TodoController extends RestfulController { static responseFormats = ['json', 'xml'] TodoController() { super(Todo) } def pendings() { respond Todo.findAllByIsCompleted(false), view: 'index' } }
define a mapping for this action
"/todo/pendings"(controller: 'todo', action: 'pendings')
—– To be continued —–
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