Facebook SDK in Grails - Part 2

As I told previous post named "Facebook SDK in Grails - Part1" will be continue...
So, Let's Start with complete code with GIT repo.
You can clone it from my GIT-HUB account
download it -> unzip it -> run.

I always prefer cloning .

git clone https://github.com/ketan-jft/FacebookAuthWithGrails3.git

The project will look like above . . .

Just create a app in grails:

grails create-app socialPlugins

cd socialPlugins

grails run-app //to check running status

Create app in Facebook Developer page as I told you in previous Part
Facebook SDK in Grails - Part 1

Then copy the facebook.js in your project Asset->javascript app.

[ Note: Please use your own Facebook App ID. 

So that you can view your own statistics or reports. 

Without app id, it will not work any more. 

For creating Facebook-App, you can also leave comment. 

Thanks. ]

In layout->main.gsp just attach "facebook.js"

code is longer than usual, so that I provided my whole code in Git-Hub.
For code you must have to visit my Git-Hub Code. You can also fork me on Git-Hub.

For any question please leave comments...
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